Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Natalie's News

Natalie has been enjoying ice skating lessons for the past four weeks courtesy of my Mom.  On Saturday mornings, Natalie goes with Grandma to the Ice Arena on campus for a half an hour lesson, and she just loves it.  I haven't been to watch her yet because I'm afraid my presence will bring on the "I can't do it"s, so I sent my camera with my mom last Saturday. 

Walking out onto the ice

Working on "swizzling"

I just can't believe that she's out there doing this.  SOOO PROUD!

This is the pick-up game.  They scatter toys and the kids pick them up.

Confident, pretty smile

Midterm report card -- she's doing very well!!

I'm so proud of Natalie.  My mom says all the time that she's showing real determination to learn and master her skills.  If you know Natalie, you probably know that "determined" is not a word that describes Natalie under most circumstances.  So I'm really happy to hear that she's learning how to really learn something new.  I just can't say enough how proud I am of her.

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